
Source: Dr. Phil accuses Judge Merchan, prosecutors in Trump trial of ‘banana republic tactics’ – Washington Times

Dr. Phil, who started his career as a courtroom consultant, criticized the handling of the criminal trial against former President Trump over hush money payments as smacking “of banana republic tactics” by the prosecution and New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan.

In his latest podcast episode posted on Tuesday, Dr. Phil interviewed Rod Phelan, a well-known Dallas lawyer, in which both criticized the handling of Mr. Trump’s trial and the guilty verdict handed down by the jury last week, making a former president a felon for the first time in the country’s history.

“I’m trying to figure out how trying to cover something up that was not illegal, makes it illegal?” said Dr. Phil on his podcast “Phil in the Blanks.”

He said the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” that jurors must reach to convict a defendant is a “pretty high standard,” and that defendants should be entitled to face their accusers, know the crime for which they are charged, and be found guilty by a unanimous jury.

“They just ran all over these standards in this case, and if they can do that to a former president of the United States and that is allowed to stand, what happens to the average citizen?” Dr. Phil said. “Isn’t this jeopardizing all of us?”

“It smacks of banana republic tactics,” he said.

Phil McGraw founded Courtroom Sciences Inc., a consulting firm that offered lawyers advice on how to present their cases based on his psychology background, in 1990 before he made it big with his television show, “Dr. Phil.”

菲尔博士的职业生涯始于法庭顾问,他批评检方和纽约最高法院法官胡安·梅尔钱对前总统特朗普因支付封口费而进行的刑事审判的处理方式带有“香蕉共和国策略”的味道。 在周二发布的最新一期播客中,菲尔博士采访了达拉斯知名律师罗德·费兰 (Rod Phelan),两人都批评了特朗普的审判处理方式以及陪审团上周做出的有罪判决,使一位前总统美国历史上首次被定为重罪犯。菲尔博士在他的播客“Phil in the Blanks”中说道,“我想弄清楚,试图掩盖一些不违法的事情是如何使其变得违法的?”。 他说,陪审员对被告定罪必须达到“超过合理怀疑”的标准,这是一个“相当高的标准”,被告应该有权面对原告,了解他们被指控的罪行,并被陪审团一致判定有罪。 菲尔博士说道,“在这起案件中,他们完全违反了这些标准,如果他们能够对美国前总统这样做,并且允许这种做法继续存在,更何况普通公民呢?。 这不是危及我们所有人吗?” 他说,“这有点香蕉共和国策略的味道。”菲尔·麦格劳 (Phil McGraw) 于 1990 年创立“法庭科学公司“,这是一家咨询公司,为律师提供如何根据他的心理学背景陈述案件的建议,随后他凭借电视节目《菲尔博士》一举成名。

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