

The European Commission today briefed the Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union (Coreper) on the progress that Ukraine and Moldova have made in fulfilling the conditions for the start of interstate negotiations on EU accession and concluded that both countries have taken all the necessary steps.

European Commission spokesperson Ana Pisonero said this at a press briefing in Brussels on Friday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

“The point on the [EU] accession process with Moldova and with Ukraine was on the agenda of Coreper today. We can confirm that on the Commission side, we’ve provided all the updates to member states and we considered that all the steps have been met by the two countries. […] Now the decision is in the hands of the member states, and it is for them to adopt the negotiating framework. Once this step is done, it is the prerogative of the presidency of the EU Council to convene an intergovernmental conference to formally mark the start of negotiations,” she said.

乌克兰通讯社通讯员报道,欧盟委员会今天向欧盟常驻代表委员会 (Coreper) 通报了乌克兰和摩尔多瓦在满足启动欧盟入盟国家间谈判条件方面取得的进展,并得出结论,两国都已采取了所有必要措施。

她说,“今天,欧盟常驻代表委员会议程上讨论了摩尔多瓦和乌克兰的入盟进程。我们可以确认,在委员会方面,我们已向成员国提供了所有最新情况,我们认为两国已采取了所有措施。[…] 现在,决定权掌握在成员国手中,由他们来制定谈判框架。一旦完成这一步,欧盟理事会主席国就有权召开政府间会议,正式标志着谈判的开始。”

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