
Source: NATO Scales Back Ambition for Ukraine Aid Plan After Pushback – Bloomberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is scrapping plans to set up a five-year fund of military aid for Ukraine after facing pushback from alliance members, and is instead asking countries to keep up their current contributions, people familiar with the matter said.

Under the new proposal, which could get backing from NATO defense ministers when they gather in Brussels next week, allies will commit to spending a total of at least €40 billion ($43 billion) per year on lethal and non-lethal aid for Ukraine. That would be in line with average annual contributions since Russia’s invasion in 2022, according to the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private deliberations.

NATO would determine each nation’s donation goals based on a percentage of their gross domestic product, and then likely publish totals in an annual report.

The aim would be to provide more transparency about what allies give Ukraine — while gently pressuring any members who don’t meet their commitments, the people said. The US would account for about half the aid, with the alliance’s other 31 members providing the rest.

知情人士称,在遭到联盟成员国的反对后,北约秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格正在放弃为乌克兰设立五年期军事援助基金的计划,而是要求各国继续提供目前的捐款。北约各国国防部长下周齐聚布鲁塞尔时可能会得到支持的新提案为:盟国将承诺每年为乌克兰提供至少400亿欧元(合430亿美元)的致命和非致命援助。因私下讨论而要求匿名的知情人士表示,这将与自 2022 年俄罗斯入侵以来的平均年捐款一致。 北约将根据各国国内生产总值的百分比确定每个国家的捐赠目标,然后可能在年度报告中公布总数。 知情人士说,其目的是提高盟友向乌克兰提供援助的透明度,同时温和地向任何不履行承诺的成员施压。美国将提供大约一半的援助,其余 31 个联盟成员将提供其余援助。

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