
Source: Zaluzhnyi completing preparations for work in Britain – Kuleba

The newly appointed Ukrainian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, is already completing preparations for the beginning of his diplomatic work in the United Kingdom.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said this in an interview with Ukrinform.

“This process is already at the end of the finish line,” Kuleba said when asked when the new ambassador would complete preparations and start work in London.

According to Kuleba, he understands the increased interest in this topic.

“Let me remind you that all ambassadors are evaluated in the same way: by results. Therefore, I wish our new ambassador to the United Kingdom, first of all, success and results in his diplomatic work for the sake of our country,” Kuleba said.

The procedure for appointing Zaluzhnyi as Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK was launched at the beginning of March. President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a respective decree on May 9.

乌克兰外交部长德米特罗·库莱巴在接受《乌克兰新闻报》采访时表示,新任命乌克兰驻英国大使瓦莱里·扎卢日尼已经完成了在英国开始外交工作的准备工作。当被问及新任大使何时完成准备工作并开始在伦敦工作时,库莱巴表示:“这个过程已经接近尾声。” 库勒巴表示,他理解人们对这个话题越来越感兴趣。 库莱巴说,“让我提醒你们,所有大使的评估方式都是一样的:根据结果。因此,我首先祝愿我们新驻英国大使为了我们的国家在外交工作中取得成功并取得成果。库莱巴说”任命扎卢日尼为乌克兰驻英国大使的程序于三月初启动。总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基于 5 月 9 日颁布了相应的法令。

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