
Source: Nigel Farage shakes up UK election, establishment on return to politics: ‘British Trump’ | Fox News

Maverick populist leader Nigel Farage sent shockwaves across Britain’s general election as he returned to frontline politics last week, with his party set to disrupt the Conservative Party’s centuries-old grip as the most popular right-wing force in the country.

Farage announced on Monday that he will lead the right-wing Reform UK party and seek a seat in Parliament for the seaside town of Clacton-on-Sea in the July 4 general election to “make Britain great again.”

“So I’m back. I’m standing as a candidate in this election. I’ve taken the leadership over of Reform UK,” Farage said in a video posted to X, referring to the successor of the Brexit Party. “You know why? I see our country going down the drain. I believe in Britain. These boring idiots that lead the Labour and Conservative parties are not worth the space.”

The announcement comes after Farage’s nearly half-decade hiatus from political campaigning amid the success of the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union (EU). Britain voted to leave the EU in the contentious 2016 referendum and formally departed in 2020.

特立独行的民粹主义领袖奈杰尔·法拉奇上周重返政治前线,对英国大选产生了冲击波,他的政党将打破保守党作为英国最受欢迎的右翼力量长达数百年的统治地位。 法拉奇周一宣布,他将领导右翼英国改革党,并在 7 月 4 日的大选中为海滨小镇克拉克顿寻求议会席位,以“让英国再次伟大”。 法拉奇在发布到 X 的视频中说道,“我回来了。我作为候选人参加这次选举。我已经接管英国改革党的领导权。”他指的是英国脱欧党的继承党。 “你知道为什么吗?我看到我们的国家正在沉沦。我相信英国。这些领导工党和保守党的无聊白痴不值得继续执政。” 在英国脱欧运动取得成功之后,法拉奇中断了近五年的政治竞选活动之后宣布了这一消息。英国在 2016 年备受争议的公投中投票决定脱离欧盟,并于 2020 年正式脱离欧盟。

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