
Source: Hunter Biden found guilty on all three charges in federal gun case | Hunter Biden | The Guardian

Hunter Biden was found guilty on three counts related to illegal gun possession.

The jury’s verdict, reached after about three hours of deliberation, followed a week-long trial in the Biden family’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, that featured sometimes excruciating testimony about his addiction habit, much of it from some of his closest relatives.

It followed a decision by Hunter Biden, the oldest living son of Joe Biden, not to take the witness stand in his own defence.

He was accused of making two false statements when filling a form to buy a Colt revolver in October 2018: first by stating untruthfully that he was not addicted to or using drugs, and then by declaring the statement to be true. A third charge alleged that he then illegally owned the gun possession for 11 days, before his sister-in-law and then lover, Hallie Biden, threw it in a trash bin in panic.

亨特·拜登因与非法持有枪支有关的三项罪名被判有罪。 陪审团在拜登家族的家乡特拉华州威尔明顿进行了为期一周的审判后,经过大约三个小时的审议后做出了裁决。审判过程有时涉及关于他毒瘾习惯令人痛苦的证词,其中大部分来自他的一些最亲近亲戚。 此前,乔·拜登在世的最年长的儿子亨特·拜登决定不出庭为自己辩护。 他被指控在 2018 年 10 月填写购买柯尔特左轮手枪的表格时做出两项虚假陈述:首先不实地陈述自己没有毒瘾或吸毒,然后又宣称该陈述属实。第三项指控称,他随后非法拥有枪支 11 天,然后他的嫂子、当时的情人哈莉·拜登惊慌失措地将它扔进了垃圾桶。
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