
Source: U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade – The Washington Post

U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade. The decision was made following a State Department review of the Azov Brigade, a one-time militia now part of Ukraine’s National Guard.

The Biden administration will allow a Ukrainian military unit with a checkered past to use U.S. weaponry, the State Department said Monday, having lifted a ban imposed years ago amid concerns in Washington about the group’s origins.

The Azov Brigade, known for its tenacious but ultimately unsuccessful defense of the Azovstal steel mill in Mariupol early in Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, is regarded as a particularly effective fighting force. But it was barred about a decade ago from using American arms because U.S. officials determined that some of its founders espoused racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views, and U.N. human rights officials accused the group of humanitarian violations.

Now the brigade, a one-time volunteer militia absorbed into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2015, will have access to the same U.S. military assistance as any other unit. The policy shift was disclosed as Kyiv starts the summer fighting season and faces down a Russian military that has intensified its pressure on objectives in eastern Ukraine and the country’s energy infrastructure.

美国解除对乌克兰亚速旅的武器禁令。这一决定是在国务院对亚速旅进行审查后做出的。亚速旅曾经是一支民兵,现在隶属于乌克兰国民警卫队。 美国国务院周一表示,拜登政府将允许一支历史复杂的乌克兰军事部队使用美国武器,取消了多年前因华盛顿对该组织的起源感到担忧而实施的禁令。 亚速旅以在俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰初期顽强保卫马里乌波尔亚速斯塔钢厂而闻名,但最终未能成功,被认为是一支特别有战斗力部队。大约十年前,该组织被禁止使用美国武器,因为美国官员认定该组织的一些创始人支持种族主义、仇外和极端民族主义观点,而联合国人权官员则指责该组织违反人道主义。 该旅曾是一支志愿民兵,于 2015 年并入乌克兰国民警卫队,如今,该旅将与其他部队一样获得美国的军事援助。这一政策转变是在基辅夏季战斗季节开始之际披露的,俄罗斯军队加大了对乌克兰东部目标和该国能源基础设施的压力。
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