
Source: Elderly teacher flees Russia after facing criminal charges for telling students about atrocities in Bucha — Meduza

A 65-year-old schoolteacher has fled Russia after being charged with spreading “disinformation” about the Russian army for telling her students about atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Bucha.

In April 2022, during a schoolwide initiative called “Lesson of Kindness,” Russian language and literature teacher Natalia Taranushenko reportedly told her class about the brutal acts committed by the Russian army in Bucha during the town’s occupation, showed students multiple segments from Ukrainian news programs, and told them that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine violates international law, according to the outlet Agentstvo. The Telegram channel Baza notes that Taranushenko also told the students that despite her opposition to the war, she did not want to live in any country except for Russia.

After the lesson, one of Taranushenko’s students complained about her statements to his father, who proceeded to write multiple denunciations of the teacher to the authorities and demand she be fired from the school. For two years, law enforcement declined to launch a criminal case against Taranushenko, but in mid-June 2024, according to the Telegram channel Astra, she was charged based on materials compiled by the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Interior Ministry’s Anti-Extremism Center. Taranushenko learned about the charges from media reports, according to a source who spoke to Agentstvo. The charges against her carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

一名 65 歲的教師因向學生講述俄羅斯士兵在布查犯下的暴行而被指控散佈有關俄羅斯軍隊的“虛假信息”,現已逃離俄羅斯。 據報道,2022 年4 月,在一項名為「善良的教訓」的全校倡議中,俄羅斯語言和文學教師娜塔莉亞·塔拉努申科向全班同學講述了俄羅斯軍隊在佔領布查鎮期間所犯下的暴行,並向學生們展示了烏克蘭新聞節目的多個片段,並告訴他們俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭違反了國際法。 电报頻道 Baza 指出,塔拉努申科也告訴學生們,儘管她反對戰爭,但她不想住在俄羅斯以外的任何國家。 課後,塔拉努申科的一名學生向他的父親检举她的言論,父親隨後向當局寫了多封譴責這位老師的信,並要求將她從學校開除。兩年來,執法部門拒絕對塔拉努申科提起刑事訴訟,但據电报頻道 Astra 報道,2024 年 6 月中旬,根據聯邦安全局 (FSB) 和內政部反極端主​​義中心編制的材料,她受到指控。據接受《Agentstvo》採訪的消息人士透露,塔拉努申科是從媒體報道中了解到這些指控的。對她的指控最高可判處 10 年監禁。
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