
Source: Ukraine identifies POW beheaded by Russian troops

Ukraine’s law enforcers have identified the Ukrainian soldier who was beheaded by Russian invaders after being captured.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin announced this on his Facebook page, Ukrinform reports.

“As for the investigation of the brutal murder of the Ukrainian defender in Donetsk region, which was reported yesterday, the fallen serviceman has been identified. At the moment, we cannot name him pending procedures for the final confirmation,” the top prosecutor wrote.

Ukrainian law enforcers have also identified Russian commanders potentially responsible for the beheading of the Ukrainian soldier, the Prosecutor General informed.

Kostin emphasized that the brutal murder of a Ukrainian prisoner of war is another confirmation that complete disregard for international law and universal morality is part of Russia’s state policy.

“Every world leader who shakes Putin’s hand should realize that they shake hands with someone who tolerates barbaric murders,” he said.

As reported, the day before Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin said that, according to available information, Russian commanders gave orders not to capture Ukrainian servicemen, but instead to kill them with inhuman cruelty – through decapitation. One such case was confirmed in Donetsk region.

In April, the head of the Department for Combating Crimes Committed in the Armed Conflict, Yuriy Belousov, said the Prosecutor General’s Office is probing 27 cases of the execution of 54 Ukrainian prisoners of war.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,乌克兰执法人员已经确认了被俄罗斯入侵者俘虏后被斩首的乌克兰士兵的身份。 总检察长安德烈·科斯汀在他的脸书页面上宣布了这一消息。 最高检察官写道:“至于昨天报道的顿涅茨克地区乌克兰军人惨遭杀害的调查,牺牲军人的身份已经确定。目前,我们无法透露他的姓名,等待最终确认程序。” 乌克兰检察长透露,乌克兰执法人员还确定了可能对斩首乌克兰士兵负有责任的俄罗斯指挥官。 科斯汀强调,乌克兰战俘被残忍杀害再次证明,完全无视国际法和普遍道德是俄罗斯国家政策的一部分。 他说:“每一位与普京握手的世界领导人都应该意识到,他们与一个容忍野蛮谋杀的人握手。” 据报道,总检察长安德烈·科斯廷前一天表示,根据现有信息,俄罗斯指挥官下令不要抓捕乌克兰军人,而是以非人道的残忍方式杀害他们——即斩首。顿涅茨克地区已确定这一案例。 4月,打击武装冲突犯罪部门负责人尤里·别洛乌索夫表示,总检察长办公室正在调查27起处决54名乌克兰战俘的案件。

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