

Romania’s president has withdrawn from the race to become NATO’s next secretary general, leaving outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte all but certain to head the world’s biggest military organization from October.

The office of President Klaus Iohannis said in a statement that Romania’s security council has backed Rutte’s bid. It also said that Iohannis had informed NATO late last week that he intended to pull out.

His withdrawal removes the last real hurdle Rutte might face. It should allow NATO to put on a show of unity and demonstrate solidarity with war-ravaged Ukraine when U.S. President Joe Biden and his counterparts meet in Washington on July 9-11 to mark NATO’s 75th birthday.

NATO secretaries-general are responsible for chairing meetings and guiding sometimes delicate consultations among the 32 member countries to ensure that an organization that operates on consensus can continue to function.

罗马尼亚总统退出了北约下一任秘书长的竞选,即将离任的荷兰首相马克·吕特几乎肯定会从 10 月开始领导这个世界上最大的军事组织。


他的退出消除了吕特可能面临的最后一个真正障碍。当美国总统乔·拜登和他的同行于 7 月 9 日至 11 日在华盛顿举行北约成立 75 周年会议时,这应该可以让北约展现团结,并表明对饱受战争蹂躏的乌克兰的支持。

北约秘书长负责主持会议并指导 32 个成员国之间有时微妙的磋商,以确保一个以共识为基础的组织能够继续运作。

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