
Source: Bilateral security deal between Ukraine, EU “almost finalized” – EU source

EU foreign ministers who will meet next Monday in Luxembourg will consider the provisions of the security agreement between the EU and Ukraine, work on which has been “almost finalized”, which paves the way toward its signing by the end of this month.

That’s according to a high-ranking source in the EU, who spoke with an Ukrinform correspondent ahead of the EU Foreign Affairs Council.

It is expected that the ministers will discuss security commitments, which have almost been finalized, and that they will be signed by the EU and Ukraine by the end of the month. Ukraine has already agreed to similar agreements with several members of the European Union, said the EU official.

Answering a clarifying question, he noted that the security agreement between Ukraine and the EU could be signed on June 26.

According to the source, next Monday European government officials will start discussing the Ukraine issue through informal communication with Minister for Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, who will join the discussion via videoconference. The Ukrainian minister will brief European partners on the situation in the country and about the country’s primary needs in repelling Russian aggression.

欧盟一位高级消息人士说,欧盟外长将于下周一在卢森堡举行会议,审议欧盟与乌克兰之间安全协议条款,该协议的工作已“接近完成”,这为本月底签署该协议铺平了道路。 他在欧盟外交事务委员会会议之前接受了乌克兰通讯社记者的采访。 预计部长们将讨论几乎已经敲定的安全承诺,欧盟和乌克兰将在本月底签署这些承诺。欧盟官员表示,乌克兰已经同意与几个欧盟成员国达成类似协议。 在回答澄清问题时,他指出乌克兰和欧盟之间的安全协议可能于 6 月 26 日签署。 消息人士称,下周一欧洲政府官员将开始与外交部长德米特罗·库莱巴进行非正式沟通,讨论乌克兰问题,后者将通过视频会议参加讨论。乌克兰外长将向欧洲伙伴介绍该国的局势以及该国反击俄罗斯侵略的主要需求。

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