
Source: Historic day: Zelensky on start of EU accession talks

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine stated that starting from today, Ukraine moves on to the actual negotiations on EU membership, which marks a historic day for the country.

That’s according to the president’s post on X, seen by Ukrinform.

“Today is a historic day as we proceed to actual, real negotiations with the European Union on Ukraine’s membership. On February 28, 2022, just a few days after the full-scale invasion began, we signed the application for membership. Almost two years ago, in June 2022, we attained candidate status, and last December we secured a political decision on negotiations,” Zelensky wrote.

He noted that it is from today that the start of Ukraine’s membership in the European Union will be marked as the first intergovernmental conference between Ukraine and the EU is taking place on Tuesday, June 25.

“I am grateful to everyone who defends Ukraine, our country and people. I am grateful to the team that is doing everything to make us part of the European Union. We will never be derailed from our path to a united Europe, to our common home of all European nations. A home that must be peaceful!” the Ukrainian president stressed.

乌克兰总统泽连斯基在 X 上发帖表示,从今天开始,乌克兰开始成为欧盟成员国的正式谈判,这对乌克兰来说是历史性的一天。泽伦斯基写道,“今天是历史性的一天,我们将与欧盟就乌克兰的入盟问题进行真正的谈判。 2022年2月28日,全面入侵开始几天后,我们签署了入会申请。大约两年前,即 2022 年 6 月,我们获得了候选人身份,去年 12 月我们就谈判达成了政治决定。”他指出,随着乌克兰与欧盟之间的第一次政府间会议于6月25日星期二举行,今天标志着乌克兰欧盟成员国身份的开始。 乌克兰总统强调,“我感谢所有保卫乌克兰、我们的国家和人民的人。我感谢团队竭尽全力让我们成为欧盟的一部分。我们永远不会偏离通往统一欧洲、所有欧洲国家共同家园的道路。确保一个和平家园!”。

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