英语:为什么特朗普和拜登的辩论是 64 年来最重要的辩论


In a race that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are each describing in historic terms, both are banking that tonight’s presidential debate could jolt Americans into paying more attention and tip the narrow band of swing voters who hold sway.

A rough performance by either of them could reset the race.

‘This week brings us potentially one of the most consequential debates since Mr. Kennedy and Richard Nixon’s,’ wrote longtime Republican pollster Frank Luntz, referencing the historic 1960 debate that many historians believe gave Kennedy a critical lift in the first debate of the modern television era.

The debate puts the incumbent president back onstage with the fierce rival who skipped his inauguration and used their last televised meeting to go after his son. Trump warns that ‘if we don’t win this election, we won’t have a country left’, as he faces three criminal trials in addition to the one that just resulted in a historic conviction this spring.

Wars in Europe and the Middle East have the U.S. and allies on edge, and Americans continue to register concerns about the economy and immigration and say the country is on the wrong track, giving moderators leverage to shape the terrain.



长期担任共和党民意调查员的弗兰克·伦茨写道,“本周可能会迎来自肯尼迪和理查德·尼克松先生以来最重要的辩论之一。”他提到了 1960 年具有历史意义的辩论,许多历史学家认为这场辩论在现代电视时代第一场辩论中给了肯尼迪至关重要的提振。



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