
Source: Nikki Haley says GOP should prepare for ‘younger,’ more ‘vibrant’ Biden replacement | Fox News

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and Trump primary challenger, warned Republicans should prepare for Democrats to replace President Biden with a candidate who is “younger” and more “vibrant,” while repeating her push for cognitive tests for all candidates for federal office.

Some Democrats have also called on Biden to drop out of the race after his debate performance against former President Trump.

In reference to Biden’s performance, Haley said, “Our enemies just saw that they have between now and Jan. 20 to do whatever it is they want to do.”

Haley said in May that despite their contentious primary contest in which both candidates threw personal insults at each other, she planned to vote for Trump in November.

She also told the Journal she had reached out to the former president recently and had a “good conversation.”

Trump previously said he believes Haley will be “on our team in some form.”

Haley previously served as Trump’s United Nations ambassador.

前南卡罗来纳州州长、特朗普的初选挑战者尼基·哈利 (Nikki Haley) 警告共和党人应该为民主党用一位“更年轻”、更“有活力”的候选人取代拜登总统做好准备,同时重申她推动对所有联邦职位候选人进行认知测试。一些民主党人还呼吁拜登在与前总统特朗普的辩论后退出竞选。  在谈到拜登的表现时,黑利表示,“我们的敌人刚刚看到,从现在到 1 月 20 日,他们可以做任何他们想做的事情。”  海莉在 5 月份表示,尽管初选颇具争议,两位候选人都互相进行人身侮辱,但她计划在 11 月份投票给特朗普。  她还告诉《华尔街日报》,她最近与前总统取得了联系,并进行了“愉快的交谈”。 特朗普此前表示,他相信黑莉将“以某种形式加入我们的团队”。 黑莉此前曾担任特朗普的联合国大使。
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