
Source: North Korean Officials Sport Kim Jong Un Pins for First Time | Newsmax.com

North Korean officials wore pins with a portrait of Kim Jong Un in public for the first time in pictures released by state media on Sunday, the latest step in the development of a cult of personality about the leader.

The officials, speaking at a key meeting chaired by Kim of the reclusive state’s ruling party, wore the typical party logo pin on the right lapel and, on the left chest, the pin with Kim’s face against a flag-shaped red background.

The 10th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which reviews the party’s performance for the first half of the year, began on Friday, state news agency KCNA said.

The Kim dynasty that has ruled North Korea since its founding after World War Two has sought to strengthen its grip on power by building cults of personality around itself.

In an apparent push to solidify Kim Jong Un’s status as a leader equal to his father and grandfather, North Korean media published photographs showing leader his portrait hanging prominently next to those of Kim Jong Il and national patriarch Kim Il Sung earlier this year.

In April, the music video for a propaganda song praising Kim Jong Un as a “friendly father” and a “great leader” was aired on the state-controlled Korean Central Television, which has been banned by South Korea.

朝鲜官方媒体周日发布的照片​​显示,朝鲜官员首次在公开场合佩戴印有金正恩肖像的像章,这是对这位领导人的个人崇拜发展的最新一步。 官员们在金正日主持的一次重要会议上发表讲话时,他们的右翻领上别着典型的政党标志别针,左胸上的别针上印有金正恩的像章,背景是旗形的红色。 据朝中社报道,朝鲜劳动党第八届中央委员会第十次全体会议于周五开始,回顾党上半年的表现。 自第二次世界大战后建国以来一直统治朝鲜的金氏王朝一直试图通过在自己周围建立个人崇拜来加强对权力的控制。 朝鲜媒体显然是为了巩固金正恩作为与其父亲和祖父平等的领导人的地位,今年早些时候,朝鲜媒体发布了照片,显示金正恩的肖像挂在金正日和国家元老金日成的肖像旁边。 4月,一首赞扬金正恩是“友好父亲”和“伟大领袖”的宣传歌曲的音乐录影带在国家控制的朝鲜中央电视台播出,但已被韩国禁止。

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