
Source: UPDATE 1-Austrian Far-right, Hungary’s Orban Form New EU Alliance | Newsmax.com

Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO), Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz and the populist Czech ANO party led by Andrej Babis are forming a new alliance in the European Parliament, they announced on Sunday.

The move would reorder but possibly also split nationalist forces in the assembly, provided four more parties join. Parties from at least a quarter of the European Union’s 27 member states are needed to officially form a new political group.

While Fidesz has remained outside larger groupings since it parted ways with the mainstream center-right European People’s Party (EPP) in 2021, the FPO is part of the Identity and Democracy political group along with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party in France. ANO is not part of a political group.

Former Czech prime minister Babis said the new group would be called Patriots for Europe.

All three men cited the fight against illegal immigration, which has long been a pressing concern for them, as well as transferring more powers from Brussels back to member states.

In this month’s European Parliament election, nationalist parties capitalized on voter disquiet over spiraling prices, migration and the cost of the green transition, and are looking to translate their seat gains into more influence on EU policy.

奥地利自由党(FPO)、匈牙利总理欧尔班·维克托领导的青民盟和安德烈·巴比斯领导的民粹主义捷克不满公民行动党周日宣布,他们正在欧洲议会组建新联盟。 如果另外四个政党加入,此举将重新排序,但也可能分裂议会中的民族主义势力。正式组建一个新的政治团体需要欧盟27个成员国中至少有四分之一的政党。 尽管自 2021 年与主流中右翼欧洲人民党 (EPP) 分道扬镳以来,青民盟一直置身于较大团体之外,但自由党与法国玛丽娜·勒庞国民阵线一样,都是身份与民主政治团体的一部分。 不满公民行动党不属于政治团体。捷克前总理巴比什表示,新组织将被称为欧洲爱国者。 这三人都提到了打击非法移民的斗争,这长期以来一直是他们的紧迫关切,以及将更多权力从布鲁塞尔移交回成员国。 在本月的欧洲议会选举中,民族主义政党利用了选民对不断上涨的物价、移民和绿色转型成本的不安,并寻求将其席位增加转化为对欧盟政策的更大影响力。

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