

Where it all went wrong for Macron: How France turned to the right after president failed to tackle migration, Islamic terror attacks, cost of living crisis – and infuriated the public with his arrogant image.

The National Front is largely seen as a hard-right party at home and abroad – but its own members are loath to refer to themselves as such. 

RN members see themselves as ‘nationalists’ and ‘localists’ who hold the interests of the French people above all others.

This, of course, means cracking down on immigration – something which has grown consistently in France for decades.

Meanwhile, Macron’s presidency has seen a litany of shockingly violent attacks authored by Islamic extremists. 

The murder and beheading of history teacher Samuel Paty in 2020 by a Chechen Muslim refugee sparked national outrage, but many more attacks have happened since then. 

Jordan Bardella, the protégé of hard-right leader Marine Le Pen, declared last week during a pre-election debate that France is tired of ‘seven years of Macronism’.

Bardella himself has declared he will wage a ‘cultural battle’ against Islam if his party emerges victorious from parliamentary elections.

If he is made Prime Minister in the case of an RN absolute majority, the party will seek to pass legislation to ‘combat Islamist ideologies’ in France that would grant the government enhanced powers to shutter mosques and deport imams suspected of being associated with extremist ideologies.






2020 年,一名车臣穆斯林难民谋杀并斩首历史老师塞缪尔·帕蒂,引发了全国的愤怒,但此后发生了更多袭击事件。

极右翼领导人玛丽娜·勒庞的门生乔丹·巴德拉 (Jordan Bardella) 在上周的选前辩论中表示,法国厌倦了“七年的马克龙主义”。



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