




乌克兰可能无法接受这一方案,因为乌克兰必须割让大片被入侵的领土,并被禁止加入北约,但与普京 5 月份提出的要求相比,这一方案已经算得上是让步了。





Vladimir Putin is ready to share sovereignty of Crimea with Ukraine, according to an astonishing ‘new peace plan’.

The dictator sent his trusted interior minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev to the US with new proposals to end the war that the dictator started, say sources in both Moscow and Kyiv.

Despite being sanctioned, Kolokoltsev was allowed into the US ostensibly to attend a UN meeting of police chiefs.

The package is likely to be unacceptable to Ukraine, which would have to cede huge swathes of invaded territory, and be barred from joining NATO, but it is concessionary compared with Putin’s demands in May.

The demands were that Ukraine must completely withdraw from Donetsk and Luhansk regions, both of which are now partially annexed by Russia.

But Russia would hand over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station and the nearby town of Enerhodar to Ukraine.

And he would discuss the possible transfer of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions to the control of Ukraine.

Crimea would become a ‘specially demilitarised administrative territory with dual subordination to Ukraine and the Russian Federation’.

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