
Source: Keir Starmer vows to serve whole UK as new Labour PM

Sir Keir Starmer has promised to build a “government of service” after becoming the UK’s first Labour prime minister since 2010.

Speaking outside 10 Downing Street after his party’s landslide election win, he pledged to restore trust in politics and “navigate away to calmer waters”.

And appealing directly to voters who did not back his party, he vowed to put “country first” and govern “unburdened by doctrine”.

He was cheered into the famous street by a crowd of supporters, who were waving Union Jacks, and the flags of Scotland and Wales. The PM and his wife Victoria hugged old friends and colleagues who had lined up to applaud him.

Speaking from the lectern, he cautioned that despite Labour’s huge parliamentary majority of 174, his aim of “rebuilding” Britain “will take a while”.

Sir Keir, who has formally replaced Tory leader Rishi Sunak after an audience with the King at Buckingham Palace, has started to appoint his new cabinet, before it meets for the first time on Saturday.

凯尔·斯塔默爵士自 2010 年成为英国首位工党首相后,承诺建立一个“服务型政府”。 政党在选举中取得压倒性胜利后,他在唐宁街 10 号外发表讲话,承诺恢复人们对政治的信任,并“驶向平静的水域”。 他直接向不支持其政党的选民发出呼吁,誓言要“国家优先”,并“不受教条束缚”执政。 他在一群挥舞着英国国旗、苏格兰和威尔士国旗的支持者的欢呼下走进这条著名街道。首相和他的妻子维多利亚拥抱了排队为他鼓掌的老朋友和同事。 他在讲台上发表讲话时提醒,尽管工党在议会中拥有 174 席的大多数席位,但他“重建”英国的目标“需要一段时间”。 凯尔爵士在白金汉宫觐见国王后正式取代保守党领袖里希·苏纳克,他已开始任命新内阁,然后在周六举行首次会议。

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