

An investigation has been opened into the financing of French far right National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen’s 2022 presidential campaign.

Prosecutors in Paris said they will look into allegations of embezzlement, forgery and fraud, and that a candidate on an electoral campaign accepted a loan.

The investigation was opened a week ago following a 2023 report by the National Commission on Campaign Accounts and Political Financing (CNCCFP).

The commission’s role is to scrutinise candidates’ election expenses and funding and to flag any issues that arise.

No more details have been given on the reasons for the inquiry, nor has Ms Le Pen’s camp commented.

The RN has previously received loans from Russian and Hungarian banks. The Russian loan worth €9.4m (£7.9m), however, was all paid back last year.

In 2017, the RN was charged with giving party members suspected fake jobs as assistants at the European Parliament.

About €5m (£4m) allegedly went to RN assistants who were not working for MEPs, but doing party work in France.

The RN denied the charges and said it would prove it did not embezzle cash.

A court will judge Ms Le Pen and 24 other members of her party over the alleged misuse of EU funds in September.

A veteran of French politics, Ms Le Pen ran for president in 2012, 2017 and 2022.

She was re-elected to parliament during the first round of France’s snap parliamentary election last month.

Her party unexpectedly came third, despite having achieved a decisive victory in the European Parliament elections just weeks before.

法国极右翼国民联盟 (RN) 领导人玛丽娜·勒庞 (Marine Le Pen) 2022 年总统竞选的资金问题已展开调查。
该调查是在国家竞选账户和政治融资委员会 (CNCCFP) 发布 2023 年报告后于一周前展开的。
国民联盟此前曾从俄罗斯和匈牙利银行获得贷款。然而,这笔价值 940 万欧元(790 万英镑)的俄罗斯贷款已于去年全部偿还。
2017 年,国民联盟被指控为党员提供可疑的虚假欧洲议会助理职位。
据称,约有 500 万欧元(400 万英镑)流向了国民联盟的助理,这些助理并非为欧洲议会议员工作,而是在法国从事党派工作。国民联盟否认了这些指控,并表示将证明其没有挪用现金。
法院将于 9 月就勒庞女士和她所在政党其他 24 名成员涉嫌滥用欧盟资金一事进行审判。
勒庞女士是法国政坛的资深人士,曾于 2012 年、2017 年和 2022 年竞选总统。

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