英语:联合国称世界人口将于 2080 年代从 82 亿增至 103 亿峰值

Source: World Population to Grow From 8.2 Billion to Peak of 10.3 Billion in 2080s, UN Says | Newsmax.com

The world’s population is expected to grow by more than 2 billion people in the next decades and peak in the 2080s at around 10.3 billion, a new report by the United Nations said Thursday.

The report — released on World Population Day — says the global population is then expected to decline to around 10.2 billion by the end of the century.

According to the World Population Prospects 2024 report, the earlier-than-anticipated population peak is due to several factors, including lower fertility levels in some of the world’s largest countries, especially China, whose population is projected to drop dramatically from 1.4 billion in 2024 to 633 million in 2100.

Globally, women are having an average of one fewer child than they did in 1990, the report said, and in more than half of all countries and territories, the average number of live births per woman is below 2.1. That’s the level needed for a country’s population to maintain its size without migration.

Nearly 20% of the world — including China, Italy, South Korea and Spain — have “ultra-low” fertility, with women having fewer than 1.4 live births, said the report by the U.N. Population Division.

联合国周四发布的一份新报告称,未来几十年世界人口预计将增长超过 20 亿,并在 2080 年代达到峰值,达到 103 亿左右。 这份于世界人口日发布的报告称,到本世纪末,全球人口预计将下降至 102 亿左右。 根据《2024年世界人口展望》报告,人口峰值早于预期是由多种因素造成的,其中包括世界上一些最大国家的生育水平较低,尤其是中国,其人口预计将从2024年的14亿大幅下降2100 年达到 6.33 亿。 报告称,在全球范围内,女性平均生育的孩子数量比 1990 年减少了 1 个,而且在超过一半的国家和地区,每位女性的平均活产数量低于 2.1 个。这是一个国家在不移民的情况下维持其规模所需的人口水平。 联合国人口司的报告称,世界上近20%的国家——包括中国、意大利、韩国和西班牙——的生育率“超低”,女性的活产数不到1.4个。
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