
Source: Trump whisked off stage after apparent gunshots at Pennsylvania rally | AP News

Donald Trump’s campaign said in a statement that he was “fine” after being whisked off the stage at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania after apparent gunshots rang through the crowd.

“President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act,” spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. “He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow.”

The Secret Service said in a statement that “the former President is safe.”

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when bangs started ringing through the crowd. Trump could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his neck. There appeared to be blood on his face.

He quickly ducked behind the riser as agents from his protective detail rushed the stage and screams were heard in the crowd of several thousand people. The bangs continued as agents tended to him on stage.

The crowd cheered as he got back up and pumped his fist.

His motorcade has since left the venue. His condition was not immediately known.

Police began vacating the fairgrounds shortly after Trump left the stage in what local officers described as a crime scene.

President Joe Biden has been briefed on the incident, the White House said.

Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., posted a photo on X of Trump, his fist raised and his face bloody in front of an American flag, with the words: “He’ll never stop fighting to Save America.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson posted on X that he was praying for Trump.

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, said in a statement on X that he had been briefed on the situation and Pennsylvania state police were on hand at the rally site.

“Violence targeted at any political party or political leader is absolutely unacceptable. It has no place in Pennsylvania or the United States,” he said.

唐纳德·特朗普的竞选团队在一份声明中表示,在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的一次集会上,人群中响起明显的枪声后,他被拖离舞台,之后“一切正常”。 发言人史蒂文·张在一份声明中表示:“特朗普总统感谢执法部门和急救人员在这一令人发指的行为中迅速采取行动。” “他很好,正在当地一家医疗机构接受检查。更多细节将随后公布。” 特勤局在一份声明中表示,“前总统很安全。” 这位前总统和共和党推定候选人在周一共和党全国代表大会开幕前的最后一次集会上展示了一张过境人数图表,当时人群中响起了砰砰声。可以看到特朗普将右手伸向脖子。他的脸上似乎有血迹。 他迅速躲到立管后面,保护他的特工冲上舞台,数千人听到尖叫声。当特工在舞台上照顾他时,砰砰声仍在继续。 当他站起来并挥舞拳头时,人群欢呼雀跃。 他的车队随后离开了场地。目前尚不清楚他的状况。 特朗普离开舞台后不久,警方开始撤离游乐场,当地警官称这是犯罪现场。 白宫表示,总统乔·拜登已听取有关这一事件的通报。 特朗普的长子小唐纳德·特朗普在X上发布了一张特朗普的照片,他在美国国旗前举起拳头,满脸血迹,并写道:“他永远不会停止为拯救美国而战。” 众议院议长迈克·约翰逊在 X 上发帖表示,他正在为特朗普祈祷。 宾夕法尼亚州州长、民主党人乔什·夏皮罗在 X 日的一份声明中表示,他已获悉有关情况,宾夕法尼亚州警察已在集会现场。 他说,“针对任何政党或政治领袖的暴力行为是绝对不可接受的。它在宾夕法尼亚州或美国没有立足之地。”

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