
Source: Day 1 of RNC Will Focus on Economy | Newsmax.com

Donald Trump goes into the Republican National Convention with bold promises about the U.S. economy, laid out extensively in his Agenda 47 platform and myriad campaign rallies.

The convention’s first day is still expected to focus on the economy even after Saturday’s shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania in which the former president was injured.

If the program goes ahead as planned, expect speakers to argue Trump’s agenda of sweeping tariffs and lower taxes would jump-start the economy.

The former president says he wants tariffs on trade partners and no taxes on tips and would like to knock the corporate tax rate down a tick. The Republican platform also promises to “defeat” inflation and “quickly bring down all prices,” in addition to pumping out more oil, natural gas and coal.

The platform would address illegal immigration in part with the “largest deportation program in American history.” And Trump would also scrap President Joe Biden’s policies to develop the market for electric vehicles and renewable energy.

Despite the reality of the past three-plus years, Democrats and their economists claim Trump’s ideas would cause an explosive bout of inflation, wallop the middle class and — by his extending his soon-to-expire tax cuts — heap another $5 trillion-plus onto the national debt.

唐纳德·特朗普在参加共和党全国代表大会时,对美国经济作出了大胆承诺,这些承诺在他的 47 号议程纲领和无数竞选集会上都有详细阐述。 尽管周六宾夕法尼亚州特朗普集会发生枪击事件,导致这位前总统受伤,但预计大会第一天仍将重点讨论经济问题。 如果该计划按计划进行,预计发言人将声称特朗普全面关税和减税的议程将提振经济。 这位前总统表示,他希望对贸易伙伴征收关税,不对小费征税,并希望将企业税率降低一点。除了开采更多石油、天然气和煤炭之外,共和党政纲还承诺“压低”通膨并“迅速降低所有价格”。 该纲领将通过“美国历史上最大的驱逐计划”部分解决非法移民问题。特朗普还将废除乔·拜登总统开发电动汽车和可再生能源市场的政策。 尽管过去三年多的现实,民主党人和他们的经济学家声称特朗普的想法将导致爆炸性的通货膨胀,重创中产阶级,并通过延长即将到期的减税政策,又增加超过 5 万亿美元的国债。

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