
Source: Russia Plans to Block YouTube Access | Newsmax.com

The Kremlin plans to block YouTube, one of the few remaining ways Russians can obtain uncensored details about the ongoing war in Ukraine and see videos from exiled opposition leaders.

A source close to President Vladimir Putin’s administration told Gazeta, a pro-government website, that streaming speeds for YouTube will start slowing in Russia this summer, and that “blocking will begin in September,” The Times.

The information was confirmed by a second source in Russia’s security services.

The video site has more than 90 million users a month in Russia. Recently, more than 130 million viewers saw a video from late opposition leader Alexei Navalny about Putin’s Black Sea palace.

Russia has engaged in unprecedented censorship, since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, including bans on “extremist” Instagram and Facebook and blocking Twitter, now known as X.

In addition, the government has blocked hundreds of Russian-language websites and has criminalized efforts to distribute what it called “fake news” about Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

The Kremlin has attempted to create its own version of YouTube, called RuTube, but it has not been successful. It also denies that Moscow is planning to block YouTube.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, said that slowdowns are happening because Google has not updated its equipment for more than two years, not because of any official action.

“There can be no other explanation,” he insisted.

A telecommunications industry source, though, told exile opposition website Meduza that Peskov was trying to “shift responsibility” and that the government started slowing YouTube’s speeds last week.

克里姆林宫计划屏蔽 YouTube,这是俄罗斯人可以获得有关乌克兰正在进行的战争未经审查详细信息并观看流亡反对派领导人视频仅存的几种方式之一。 据《泰晤士报》报道,一位接近弗拉基米尔·普京总统政府的消息人士告诉亲政府网站 Gazeta,今年夏天 YouTube 在俄罗斯的流媒体速度将开始放缓,并且“封锁将于 9 月开始”。 该信息得到了俄罗斯安全部门第二位消息人士的证实。  该视频网站在俄罗斯每月拥有超过 9000 万用户。最近,超过1.3亿观众观看了已故反对派领导人阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼有关普京黑海宫殿的视频。 自 2022 年入侵乌克兰以来,俄罗斯实施了前所未有的审查制度,包括禁止“极端主义”Instagram 和 Facebook,并屏蔽 Twitter(现称为 X)。  此外,政府还封锁了数百个俄语网站,并将传播有关俄罗斯在乌克兰行动的所谓“假新闻”行为定为刑事犯罪。  克里姆林宫曾尝试创建自己的 YouTube 版本,名为 RuTube,但尚未成功。它还否认莫斯科计划封锁 YouTube。  普京发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫表示,速度放缓的原因是谷歌已经两年多没有更新其设备,而不是因为任何官方行动。 他坚持说,“没有其他解释。”不过,一位电信行业消息人士告诉流亡反对派网站 Meduza,佩斯科夫正试图“转移责任”,政府上周开始放慢 YouTube 的速度。
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