
Source: Boris Johnson meets Donald Trump to talk Ukraine | Politics News | Sky News

Boris Johnson has met Donald Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine “at length”.

Mr Johnson became the latest former British prime minister to head to the US for the Republican National Convention this week, after Liz Truss arrived in Milwaukee on Monday.

But unlike his successor, he confirmed he had held a face-to-face meeting with the presidential hopeful, which Sky News understands lasted around 30 minutes.

The ex-Tory leader posted a picture of the pair on X and released a statement, saying Trump had been “on superb form following the appalling attempt on his life”.

He added: “I noted the courage, resilience and sheer indomitability with which he has responded.”

But the main focus on the discussion was the war in Ukraine – something central to Mr Johnson’s premiership as he built support from international partners for President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

After the announcement of Trump’s running mate for the election last night – 39-year-old Ohio senator JD Vance – fears grew further that if he wins November’s election, funding for the war effort against Russia could be under threat.

But in his statement, the former prime minister said: “We discussed Ukraine at length and I know that he will give the strong and decisive leadership necessary to protect democracy against aggression.”

鲍里斯·约翰逊会见了唐纳德·特朗普,“详细”讨论了乌克兰局势。 莉兹·特拉斯周一抵达密尔沃基后,约翰逊成为本周前往美国参加共和党全国代表大会的最新一位英国前首相。 但与他的继任者不同的是,他证实他已与总统候选人进行了面对面的会面,据天空新闻了解,这次会面持续了大约 30 分钟。 这位前保守党领袖在X网站上发布了两人的照片,并发表声明称,特朗普“在经历了令人震惊的谋杀事件后,状态非常好”。 他补充道:“我注意到他所表现出的勇气、韧性和不屈不挠的态度。” 但讨论的主要焦点是乌克兰战争——这是约翰逊首相任期的核心,因为他为总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基赢得了国际伙伴的支持。 在昨晚宣布特朗普的竞选搭档——39 岁的俄亥俄州参议员 JD 万斯——之后,人们进一步担心,如果他赢得 11 月的选举,针对俄罗斯的战争资金可能会受到威胁。 但这位前总理在声明中表示:“我们详细讨论了乌克兰问题,我知道他将作出必要强力和果断的领导,以保护民主免受侵略。”
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