
Source: Israeli parliament votes to oppose formation of Palestinian state

The Israeli parliament voted to oppose a Palestinian state as an “existential threat,” prompting Palestinian and international criticism on Thursday.

The 120-member Knesset late Wednesday voted 68-9 to pass a resolution that said a Palestinian state on land occupied by Israel would “perpetuate the Israel-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region.”

The resolution is symbolic but lays down a marker just days before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington. It also comes before an opinion to be issued by the International Court of Justice over the legality of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank.

“The Knesset firmly opposes the creation of a Palestinian state [on land] west of Jordan,” said the resolution, referring to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which has been devastated by the war unleashed by the October 7 Hamas attacks.

It predicted that Hamas would take over the state and turn it into “a radical Islamic terrorist base” seeking to destroy Israel.

The resolution said “promoting” a Palestinian state was “a reward for terrorism and would only encourage Hamas and its supporters” after the October 7 attacks.

The Palestinian Authority said there would be “neither peace nor security for anyone without the establishment of a Palestinian state.” It accused Israel’s ruling coalition of “plunging the region into an abyss.”

The French Foreign Ministry expressed “consternation” at the resolution, which it said was “in contradiction with resolutions adopted by the U.N. Security Council.”

The Knesset voted by an even larger majority in February against countries unilaterally backing a Palestinian state. Spain, Ireland, Norway and Armenia have since said they recognize a Palestinian state.

The latest Knesset resolution was proposed by a right-wing deputy in opposition to Netanyahu’s coalition of conservative and far-right parties. However, coalition deputies and some centrist lawmakers voted in favor.

以色列议会投票反对巴勒斯坦国,称其为“生存威胁”,周四引发了巴勒斯坦和国际社会的批评。 周三晚些时候,由 120 名议员组成的以色列议会以 68 票对 9 票通过了一项决议,称在以色列占领的土地上建立巴勒斯坦国将“使以色列与巴勒斯坦的冲突永久化,并破坏该地区的稳定”。 该决议具有象征意义,但在总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡访问华盛顿前几天奠定了一个标志。国际法院还将就以色列占领西岸的合法性发表意见。 该决议称:“以色列议会坚决反对在约旦以西的陆地上建立巴勒斯坦国。”该决议指的是约旦河西岸和加沙地带,该地区因 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击而引发的战争遭到破坏。决议预测哈马斯将接管该国并将其变成“激进的伊斯兰恐怖分子基地”,试图摧毁以色列。 该决议称,10 月 7 日袭击事件后,“宣扬”巴勒斯坦国是“对恐怖主义的奖励,只会鼓励哈马斯及其支持者”。 巴勒斯坦权力机构表示,“如果不建立巴勒斯坦国,任何人都不会享有和平或安全”。它指责以色列执政联盟“使该地区陷入深渊”。 法国外交部对该决议表示“震惊”,称该决议“与联合国安理会通过的决议相矛盾”。 以色列议会二月份以更大多数投票反对单方面支持巴勒斯坦国的国家。西班牙、爱尔兰、挪威和亚美尼亚此后表示承认巴勒斯坦国。 以色列议会的最新决议是由一名反对党右翼议员向内塔尼亚胡的保守派和极右翼政党联盟提出的。然而,联盟代表和一些中间派议员投了赞成票。

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