
Source: Gunman kills nationalist former member of Ukrainian parliament

A gunman on Friday shot and killed a nationalist former member of Ukraine’s parliament known for vociferous campaigns to defend the Ukrainian language.

Police launched a wide search for the man suspected of shooting Iryna Farion, 60, on a street in the western city of Lviv.

Lviv Regional Governor Maksym Kozytskyi said on Telegram that Farion died after being taken to a hospital. Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko had earlier said the shooting was being treated as an attempted assassination.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he was receiving regular reports on efforts to capture the gunman. He said any act of violence was to be condemned.

Farion, a linguist, became a member of the nationalist Svoboda (Freedom) party in 2005 and was elected to parliament in 2012, but failed in subsequent attempts to win a seat. She had also served on the Lviv regional council.

She gained notice for frequent campaigns to promote the Ukrainian language and discredit public officials who spoke Russian.

Although Ukrainian is the sole state language of Ukraine, many residents speak Russian as a first language, a legacy of Soviet rule, when Ukrainian was under official pressure.

Promoting the language has long been an important issue, with parliament passing legislation to entrench its use in public life and in the service industry.

周五,一名枪手枪杀了一名前乌克兰民族主义议会议员,该议员因大力捍卫乌克兰语言而闻名。 警方在西部城市利沃夫的一条街道上对涉嫌枪杀 60 岁伊琳娜·法里昂的男子展开了广泛搜捕。 利沃夫地区州长马克西姆·科济茨基在 电报群上表示,法里昂在被送往医院后死亡。内政部长伊霍尔·克利门科早些时候表示,枪击事件被定为谋杀。 总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基表示,他定期收到有关抓捕枪手的报告。他表示,任何暴力行为都应受到谴责。 法里昂是一名语言学家,2005年成为民族主义自由党成员,并于2012年当选议会议员,但随后续选失败。她还曾在利沃夫地区委员会任职。 她因频繁开展推广乌克兰语言和抹黑说俄语的公职人员的活动而受到关注。尽管乌克兰语是乌克兰唯一的官方语言,但许多居民将俄语作为第一语言,这是苏联统治的遗产,当时乌克兰语受到官方压力。 长期以来,推广乌克兰语一直是一个重要问题,议会通过了立法,以巩固该语言在公共生活和服务行业的使用。
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