
Source: Report: Zuckerberg Won’t Endorse Trump, Biden in Elections | Newsmax.com

Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg has declined to endorse either Donald Trump or Joe Biden and said he does not plan to be involved in the upcoming U.S. presidential election in any way, Bloomberg News reported on Friday.

Zuckerberg’s comments come as several influential figures in Silicon Valley, including Tesla boss Elon Musk and venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, back Trump for president.

In an interview with the publication on Thursday, the billionaire tech executive said former President Trump’s immediate reaction after being shot was “badass” and inspiring, and helps explain his appeal to voters.

A gunman opened fire on Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, with one of the bullets grazing his right ear.

The assassination attempt has enraged his supporters and paused the Democratic campaign, raising fears of further political violence.

Meta has frequently called out Trump’s posts for containing misinformation and breaching content rules on its platforms. It also suspended his Facebook and Instagram accounts for about two years following the January 2021 Capitol riots.

Zuckerberg said Meta was making changes that he hoped would mean Facebook was not as much of a flashpoint in elections going forward.

“I think you’re going to see our services play less of a role in this election than they have in the past,” the report quoted him as saying.

Meta and Zuckerberg did not immediately respond to Reuters’ requests for comment.

据彭博社周五报道,元宇宙平台首席执行官马克·扎克伯格拒绝支持唐纳德·特朗普或乔·拜登,并表示他不打算以任何方式参与即将举行的美国总统选举。 扎克伯格发表上述言论之际,硅谷几位有影响力的人物,包括特斯拉老板埃隆·马斯克以及风险投资家马克·安德森和本·霍洛维茨,都支持特朗普竞选总统。 这位亿万富翁科技高管在周四接受该报采访时表示,前总统特朗普在被枪击后的即刻反应是“非常轰动”和鼓舞人心的,这有助于解释他对选民的吸引力。 周六,一名枪手在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的一次集会上向特朗普开枪,其中一颗子弹擦伤了他的右耳。 暗杀企图激怒了他的支持者,并暂停了民主党竞选活动,引发了人们对进一步政治暴力的担忧。 元宇宙经常指责特朗普的帖子包含错误信息并违反其平台内容规则。 2021 年 1 月国会大厦骚乱后,该公司还暂停了他的 Facebook 和 Instagram 帐户约两年。 扎克伯格表示,元宇宙正在做出一些改变,他希望这意味着脸书不会成为未来选举中的热点。 报道援引他的话说:“我认为你会看到我们的服务在这次选举中发挥的作用比过去小了。” 元宇宙和扎克伯格没有立即回应路透社的置评请求。

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