
Source: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns after Trump shooting | Daily Mail Online

Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle dramatically announced Tuesday her resignation in the wake of the colossal security failures that led to Donald Trump being shot.

Cheatle took responsibility for the catastrophic lapses after she was lambasted by Republicans and Democrats alike when she appeared before Congress on Monday.

The security chief had faced mounting questions over why an agent was not stationed on the roof from where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on the former president, and why Trump was allowed to take the stage even when a threat was detected.

She had also been ridiculed for suggesting her agency did not have a presence on the roof because it was ‘sloped’.

Trump, 78, told her the bizarre excuse was ‘crazy’ when they met for the first time after he was struck in the ear by a bullet at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13.

In a statement on Tuesday, Trump said: ‘The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy. IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO!’

Cheatle refused to step down from her post for nine days after the assassination attempt.

陷入困境的特勤局局长金伯利·切特尔周二在导致唐纳德·特朗普被枪击的巨大安全失误后戏剧性地宣布辞职。  周一在国会露面时,查特尔受到了共和党人和民主党人的猛烈抨击,她对这一灾难性失误承担了责任。 这位安全负责人面临着越来越多的问题,比如为什么枪手托马斯·马修·克鲁克斯向前总统开枪的屋顶上没有驻扎特工,以及为什么即使察觉到威胁也允许特朗普上讲台。 她还因为暗示特勤局没有在屋顶上布防而受到嘲笑,因为屋顶是“倾斜的”。 78 岁的特朗普在 7 月 13 日宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的集会上耳朵被子弹击中后,在他们第一次见面时告诉她,这个奇怪的借口“很疯狂”。 特朗普在周二的一份声明中表示:“拜登/哈里斯政府没有适当保护我,我被迫为民主挨子弹。我非常荣幸能够这样做! 刺杀事件发生后,查特尔在九天期间拒绝辞职。

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