英语:出版商计划大量重印《乡下人的悲歌》以满足副总统候选人 JD 万斯书的需求


Former President Donald Trump’s selection of JD Vance as his running mate has led to a surge in sales for “Hillbilly Elegy,” his best-selling memoir that came out in 2016.

A spokesperson for HarperCollins told The Associated Press that more than 650,000 copies have been sold since Trump’s announcement on July 15. The total includes physical books, audio books and e-books.

“We are printing hundreds of thousands of copies to fill the demand at our retail partners,” the publisher announced Thursday.

Vance’s book already had sold more than 3 million copies before Trump chose him for the Republican ticket. “Hillbilly Elegy,” which Ron Howard adapted into a feature film released in 2020, tells of Vance’s childhood in Ohio and his family’s roots in rural Kentucky. After Trump’s stunning victory in 2016, the book was widely cited as essential reading for Trump opponents trying to understand his appeal to working class whites, even as some critics faulted it at as a narrow and misleading portrait of Appalachia and of poverty in the U.S.

前总统唐纳德·特朗普选择 JD 万斯作为竞选搭档,导致他 2016 年出版的畅销回忆录《乡下人的悲歌》销量激增。

哈珀柯林斯的一位发言人告诉美联社,自特朗普 7 月 15 日宣布以来,该书已售出 65 万多册。总数包括实体书、有声读物和电子书。


在特朗普选择万斯作为共和党候选人之前,他的书已经售出 300 多万册。《乡下人的悲歌》被罗恩·霍华德改编成 2020 年上映的故事片,讲述了万斯在俄亥俄州的童年和他的家人在肯塔基州农村的家史。 在特朗普于2016年取得惊人胜利后,这本书被广泛认为是特朗普反对者试图了解特朗普对工薪阶层白人吸引力的必读书籍,尽管一些批评者指责它对阿巴拉契亚山脉和美国贫困状况进行了狭隘和误导性的描述。

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