英语:巴黎 2024 年奥运会将在严密安保下开幕

Source: Paris to kick off 2024 Games under tight security | Reuters

France aims to wow the world on Friday with an extravagant Olympics opening ceremony through the heart of Paris, officially kicking off a Games fraught with security risks at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions.
Some 45,000 police, 10,000 soldiers and 2,000 private security staff will ensure the safety of the parade along the river Seine, its banks and surrounding monuments, in an unprecedented display of security.
A procession of barges will take nearly 7,000 athletes along the river past Paris’s most famous landmarks, while more than 300,000 spectators will watch from the banks.
Since the last Olympics in Beijing in 2022, wars have erupted in Ukraine and Gaza, providing a tense backdrop to the Games. France is at its highest level of security – though officials have repeatedly said there is no specific threat to the opening ceremony or the Games.
As part of a vast security operation, authorities have turned to powers passed under an anti-terror law, placing 155 people under surveillance measures that strictly limit their movement, according to official data and a Reuters review of cases.
Meanwhile, Israeli competitors are being escorted by elite tactical units to and from events and given 24-hour protection throughout the Olympics, officials say.
Scores of world leaders will be in Paris for the opening ceremony, which will be protected by snipers on rooftops. The Seine’s riverbed has been swept for bombs, and Paris’ airspace will be closed.
For the Games more generally, radar-surveillance planes and Reaper drones will watch sensitive sites from above, and Mirage 2000 fighter jets will be on standby to intercept aircraft straying into restricted airspace.
法国的目标是周五在巴黎市中心举行一场让世界惊叹的盛大奥运会开幕式,在地缘政治紧张局势加剧之际,正式拉开充满安全风险的奥运会序幕。 大约 45,000 名警察、10,000 名士兵和 2,000 名私人保安人员将确保塞纳河沿岸游行队伍、河岸和周围纪念碑的安全,这是前所未有的安全展示。 驳船游行将载着近 7,000 名运动员沿着河流经过巴黎最著名的地标,而超过 300,000 名观众将在河岸观看。 自 2022 年北京举办上届奥运会以来,乌克兰和加沙爆发了战争,为奥运会带来了紧张的背景。法国目前处于最高安全级别,尽管官员们一再表示开幕式或奥运会没有受到具体威胁。 根据官方数据和路透社对案件的审查,作为大规模安全行动的一部分,当局求助于反恐法赋予的权力,对 155 人实施监视措施,严格限制他们的行动。 与此同时,官员们表示,以色列选手在奥运会期间由精锐战术部队护送往返比赛,并得到 24 小时保护。 数十位世界领导人将前往巴黎参加开幕式,屋顶上将有狙击手保护。塞纳河河床已被扫除炸弹,巴黎领空将被关闭。 在奥运会上,雷达侦察机和“死神”无人机将从上方监视敏感地点,幻影 2000 战斗机将随时待命拦截误入限制空域的飞机。
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