
Source: Prince William declined to reveal what he’s paid in taxes, breaking King Charles’ 30-year tradition | Fox News

Prince William has declined to reveal what he paid in taxes for the 2023 to 2024 financial year – a tradition that King Charles has partaken in for 30 years.

On Wednesday, the Duchy of Cornwall published an Integrated Annual Report showing the Prince of Wales’ salary of $30.4 million (£23.6 million) for the 2023-2024 financial year. The amount covers the official, charitable and private expenses of William, his wife Kate Middleton and their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

The Prince of Wales inherited the estate from King Charles III when the royal ascended the throne in 2022. The estate came with a new title: Duke of Cornwall.

During the 2022-2023 financial year, the Duchy of Cornwall estate saw nearly $29 million in profit.

The royal only received a portion of the profits that year after receiving the new title.

According to the Telegraph, William paid tax at a standard U.K. tax rate, but the amount has not been disclosed. While it is not a requirement to disclose the figure, King Charles has been sharing the amount he has paid in taxes since 1993.

When the king was Prince of Wales, he shared a full breakdown of household costs and the amount of tax he paid annually, the newspaper reported.

The Annual Report also confirmed Prince William’s decision not to rehire Queen Camilla’s sister, Annabel Elliot – who served as an interior designer on the Duchy of Cornwall payroll.

威廉王子拒绝透露他在 2023 至 2024 财年缴纳的税款——这是查尔斯国王 30 年来的传统。  周三,康沃尔公爵领地发布了一份综合年度报告,显示威尔士亲王在 2023-2024 财年的薪水为 3040 万美元(2360 万英镑)。这笔金额涵盖了威廉、他的妻子凯特·米德尔顿以及他们的孩子乔治王子、夏洛特公主和路易斯王子的官方、慈善和私人开支。  当查尔斯三世于 2022 年登基时,威尔士亲王从国王手中继承了该庄园。该庄园获得了一个新头衔:康沃尔公爵。 2022-2023财年,康沃尔公爵领地庄园的利润接近2900万美元。 获得新头衔后,王室当年只获得了一部分利润。 据《每日电讯报》报道,威廉按照英国标准税率纳税,但具体金额尚未披露。虽然不要求披露这一数字,但查尔斯国王自 1993 年以来一直分享他缴纳的税款。 据该报报道,当国王担任威尔士亲王时,他分享了家庭费用和每年缴纳的税额的完整细目。  年度报告还证实了威廉王子决定不再雇用卡米拉女王的妹妹安娜贝尔·埃利奥特——她曾在康沃尔公爵领地担任室内设计师。
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