
Source: Israeli Poll: Netanyahu Leads Bennett, Lapid, Gantz | Newsmax.com

A new poll in Israel shows that Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is better suited to lead their country than the three main challengers for his seat.

The poll, taken by Channel 12 news, shows Netanyahu came out on top in head-to-head matchups between him and former Premier Naftali Bennett, opposition leader Yair Lapid, and National Unity chair Benny Gantz, reported The Times of Israel Saturday.

Netanyahu netted 32% of those polled to 28% for Lapid. Meanwhile, 33% said they prefer Netanyahu compared to 32% for Bennett.

The poll comes two days after Netanyahu was in Washington, D.C., to address a joint session of Congress, but 65% of those responding said the speech did not change their minds about him.

However, 48% said they think the prime minister was in Washington to pursue his personal interests, compared to 44% who said they believe he was there to benefit Israel.

《以色列时报》周六报道,以色列的一项最新民意调查显示,以色列人认为总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡比其三位主要挑战者更适合领导他们的国家。 据这项由第 12 新闻频道进行的民意调查显示,内塔尼亚胡在与前总理纳夫塔利·贝内特、反对派领袖亚伊尔·拉皮德和民族团结主席本尼·甘茨的竞争中名列前茅。 内塔尼亚胡在受访者中的支持率为 32%,而拉皮德的支持率为 28%。与此同时,33% 的人表示他们更喜欢内塔尼亚胡,而 32% 的人表示更喜欢贝内特。 这项民意调查是在内塔尼亚胡在华盛顿特区向国会联席会议发表讲话两天后进行的,但 65% 的受访者表示,这次演讲并没有改变他们对他的看法。  然而,48% 的人表示,他们认为总理到华盛顿是为了追求个人利益,而 44% 的人表示,他们认为总理到华盛顿是为了让以色列受益。

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