
Source: Venezuela’s electoral body declares President Maduro winner | AP News

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was formally declared the winner of his country’s disputed presidential election Monday, a day after the political opposition and the entrenched incumbent both claimed victory in the contest.

The National Electoral Council, which is loyal to Maduro’s ruling party, announced his victory, handing him a third six-year term as the leader of an economy recovering from collapse and a population desperate for change. The ministers of defense, communications, technology and the head of the National Assembly were among those in attendance who applauded.

“We have never been moved by hatred. On the contrary, we have always been victims of the powerful,” Maduro said in the nationally televised ceremony. “An attempt is being made to impose a coup d’état in Venezuela again of a fascist and counterrevolutionary nature.”

“We already know this movie, and this time, there will be no kind of weakness,” he added, saying that Venezuela’s “law will be respected.”

There was no immediate comment from the opposition, which had vowed to defend its votes.

The ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela controls all branches of government.

Officials delayed the release of detailed vote tallies from Sunday’s election after proclaiming Nicolás Maduro the winner with 51% of the vote, compared with 44% for retired diplomat Edmundo González. The competing claims set up a high-stakes standoff.

周一,委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗被正式宣布为该国备受争议的总统选举的获胜者,一天前,政治反对派和强硬的现任总统都声称在选举中获胜。 忠于马杜罗执政党的全国选举委员会宣布了他的胜利,并授予他第三个六年任期,作为从崩溃中复苏经济和渴望变革人民的领导人。国防部长、通信部长、技术部长和国民议会议长等出席鼓掌。 马杜罗在全国电视转播的仪式上说,“我们从来没被仇恨所动。相反,我们一直是强权的受害者。有人试图在委内瑞拉再次发动法西斯和反革命政变。” 他补充道,“我们已经知道这样阴谋了,这一次,不会有任何软弱,”他并表示委内瑞拉的“法律将受到尊重”。 反对派没有立即发表评论,他们发誓要捍卫自己的选票。 执政的委内瑞拉联合社会党控制着政府的所有部门。 选举官员推迟了周日选举的详细计票结果发布,宣布尼古拉斯·马杜罗以 51% 的得票率获胜,而退休外交官埃德蒙多·冈萨雷斯的得票率为 44%。相互声称胜选造成了一场高风险的僵局。

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