
Source: Foreign Minister Urges NATO Expel Turkey Over Threat to Enter Israel | Newsmax.com

Israel’s foreign minister urged NATO to expel Turkey on Monday after its President Tayyip Erdogan threatened his country might enter Israel as it had entered Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh in the past.

Erdogan, a fierce critic of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, said in a speech on Sunday: “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine. Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them.”

He did not spell out what sort of intervention he was suggesting.

“Erdogan is following in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein and threatening to attack Israel. He should remember what happened there and how it ended,” Katz said in the statement.

“Turkey, which hosts the Hamas headquarters responsible for terrorist attacks against Israel, has become a member of the Iranian axis of evil, alongside Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis in Yemen,” he said.

Once close regional allies, relations between Israel and Turkey have been deteriorating for more than a decade.

Bilateral trade weathered many diplomatic storms, reaching billions of dollars a year, but Turkey this month said they would halt all bilateral trade with Israel until the war ends and aid can flow unhindered into Gaza.

以色列外交部长周一敦促北约驱逐土耳其,此前土耳其总统塔伊普·埃尔多安威胁说,土耳其可能会像过去进入利比亚和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫那样进入以色列。埃尔多安是以色列对加沙哈马斯战争的激烈批评者,他在周日的一次讲话中表示:“我们必须非常强大,这样以色列就不能对巴勒斯坦做出这些荒谬的事情。就像我们进入卡拉巴赫一样,就像我们进入利比亚一样,我们可能会对他们做类似的事情。” 他没有具体说明他建议采取何种干预措施。 卡茨在声明中说:“埃尔多安正在追随萨达姆·侯赛因的脚步,威胁要袭击以色列。他应该记住那里发生的事情以及结局。” 他说:“土耳其是针对以色列的恐怖袭击负责的哈马斯总部所在地,它已与哈马斯、真主党和也门胡塞武装一起成为伊朗邪恶轴心的成员。” 以色列和土耳其曾经是亲密的地区盟友,但十多年来关系一直在恶化。 许多外交风暴影响了每年达到数十亿美元双边贸易,土耳其本月表示,他们将停止与以色列的所有双边贸易,直到战争结束并且援助可以不受阻碍地进入加沙。

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