
Source: Southport stabbing: Taylor Swift offers tribute as third child dies in UK dance class attack

A large crowd of anti-Muslim protesters have clashed with police in a northern English town where three girls were stabbed to death and five other children critically wounded during an attack on a Taylor Swift-themed event a day earlier.

The horrific stabbing incident in Southport on Monday, a quiet seaside town north of Liverpool, has shocked the nation. Police have said it was not linked to terrorism and that the suspect was born in the UK

Yet far-right groups have stoked speculation that the teenage suspect was involved with Islam, and police said Tuesday’s violence erupted when several hundred people began to throw items at a mosque. Police linked the crowd to the English Defence League, a group which has sometimes staged violent demonstrations against Islam.

Police vehicles were damaged and set alight, officers were pelted by bricks and large garbage containers. One video posted online showed the crowd chanting “we want our country back”.

一大群反穆斯林抗议者在英国北部小镇与警方发生冲突,一天前一场泰勒·斯威夫特为主题的活动遭到袭击,三名女孩被刺死,另外五名儿童受重伤。 周一在利物浦北部安静的海滨小镇绍斯波特发生的可怕刺伤事件震惊了全国。警方表示,这起事件与恐怖主义无关,嫌疑人出生于英国,然而,极右翼团体猜测这名青少年嫌疑人参与伊斯兰教,警方表示,周二的暴力事件是在数百人开始向清真寺投掷物品时爆发的。警方将这群人与英国保卫联盟相联系,该组织有时会举行针对伊斯兰教的暴力示威活动。 警车被损坏并被点燃,警察被砖块和大型垃圾箱击中。网上发布的一段视频显示,人群高呼“我们要夺回我们的国家。”

Away from the violence, hundreds had gathered for an emotional vigil to pay tribute to those killed in the attack, laying flowers and toys.

“The people of Southport are reeling after the horror inflicted on them yesterday. They deserve our support and our respect,” Prime Minister Keir Starmer said.

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