
Source: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran after Israel vowed to kill him and others in retaliation for Oct 7 attacks | Daily Mail Online

A top Hamas leader has been killed after a targeted attack in Tehran.

Iran‘s Revolutionary Guards said in a statement that Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas chief, was killed while attending the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s new president.

Their statement said that Haniyeh had been killed alongside a security guard in a targeted attack at their place of residence.

Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’ political bureau, had been in the capital city as Masoud Pezeshkian was sworn in as President of the nation.

In a statement, Hamas blamed Israeli forces on the death of Haniyeh as they announced his death ‘to the Palestinian people and the Arab nation’.

There was no immediate reaction from the White House on the death of Haniyeh, while Israel have also not yet commented on his death.

Israel had vowed to kill Haniyeh and other leaders of Hamas over the group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel that killed 1,200 people and saw some 250 others taken hostage.

At least ten members of Haniyeh’s family had been killed in an Israeli airstrike earlier this year, which included his sister.

The strike hit the Haniyeh family home in Al-Shati refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, last month.

Pictures show how the building was reduced to rubble, with rescuers working at the scene.

The victims were extracted and taken to the local hospital, where white body bags were laid out on the ground and distraught mourners seen gathering.

That attack came just weeks after Haniyeh lost three sons and four grandchildren in an Israeli airstrike on their car nearby.

Before their deaths, Haniyeh was believed to have had 13 sons and daughters. The Qatar-based Hamas leader said at the time said that about 60 members of his family had been killed since the war with Israel broke out on October 7.

哈马斯一名高级领导人在德黑兰发生针对性袭击后被杀。  伊朗革命卫队在一份声明中表示,哈马斯领导人伊斯梅尔·哈尼亚在参加伊朗新总统就职典礼时被杀。  声明称,哈尼亚在他们居住地一次有针对性的袭击中与一名保安一起被杀。  当马苏德·佩泽什基安宣誓就任国家总统时,哈马斯政治局局长哈尼亚正在首都。 哈马斯在一份声明中将哈尼亚的死归咎于以色列军队,他们“向巴勒斯坦人民和阿拉伯国家”宣布了哈尼亚的死亡。 白宫没有对哈尼亚的死立即做出反应,以色列也尚未对他的死发表评论。  以色列发誓要杀死哈尼亚和哈马斯的其他领导人,原因是该组织 10 月 7 日对以色列发动袭击,造成 1,200 人死亡,约 250 人被扣为人质。  今年早些时候,哈尼亚的家人至少有 10 人在以色列空袭中丧生,其中包括他的姐姐。  上个月,袭击了加沙地带北部阿尔沙蒂难民营的哈尼亚家。  图片显示建筑物被夷为废墟,救援人员在现场工作。  受害者被救出并送往当地医院,白色裹尸袋放在地上,悲痛欲绝的哀悼者聚集在一起。 就在这次袭击发生几周前,在以色列对附近汽车的空袭中哈尼亚失去了三个儿子和四个孙子。 据信哈尼亚生前有 13 个儿子和女儿。这位总部位于卡塔尔的哈马斯领导人当时表示,自 10 月 7 日与以色列爆发战争以来,他的家人约有 60 人被杀。
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