
Source: Colombian President Petro calls on Venezuela’s Maduro to release detailed vote counts from election | AP News

Pressure kept building against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday, when his close ally Colombian President Gustavo Petro, joined other foreign leaders in urging him to release detailed vote counts from the recent presidential election after electoral authorities declared him the winner.

Petro’s comments come as the National Electoral Council, which is loyal to the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela, has yet to release any printed results from polling centers as it did in past elections. A day earlier, another of Maduro’s allies, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, along with U.S. President Joe Biden called for the “immediate release of full, transparent, and detailed voting data at the polling station level.”

The rebukes follow the stunning announcement Monday of Maduro’s main challenger, Edmundo González, and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, that they had secured more than two-thirds of the tally sheets that each electronic voting machine printed after polls closed on Sunday. They said the release of the data on those tallies would prove Maduro lost the election.

Machado said the tallies show González received roughly 6.2 million votes compared with 2.7 million for Maduro. That is widely different from the electoral council’s report that Maduro received 5.1 million votes, against more than 4.4 million for González.

周三,委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗面临的压力不断增大,选举当局宣布他获胜后,他的亲密盟友哥伦比亚总统古斯塔沃·佩特罗与其他外国领导人一起敦促他公布最近总统选举的详细计票结果。 佩特罗发表此番言论之际,忠于执政的委内瑞拉联合社会党的国家选举委员会尚未像过去的选举那样公布投票中心的任何印刷结果。一天前,马杜罗的另一位盟友巴西总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦和美国总统乔·拜登呼吁“立即发布投票站的完整、透明和详细的投票数据”。 周一,马杜罗的主要挑战者埃德蒙多·冈萨雷斯和反对派领导人玛丽亚·科里娜·马查多震惊地宣布,他们已经获得了三分之二以上周日投票结束后每台电子投票机打印计票单。他们表示,公布这些统计数据将证明马杜罗输掉了选举。 马查多表示,统计显示冈萨雷斯获得了大约 620 万张选票,而马杜罗获得了 270 万张选票。这与选举委员会的报告大不相同,报告称马杜罗获得了 510 万张选票,而冈萨雷斯获得了超过 440 万张选票。
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