
Source: Keir Starmer U-turns and will NOT go on holiday this week amid riots plaguing the country

Downing Street has dismissed reports that the Prime Minister is set to jet off on holiday this week.

Sir Keir Starmer will be working from No 10 all week as he looks to lead the response to the far-right riots that have taken place across the country.

Critics including sources close to Tory leadership hopeful Robert Jenrick had suggested he should “cancel this Nero-esque holiday.”

The Newark MP said it would be “completely wrong for the Prime Minister to holiday while parts of Britain are burning.”

The Prime Minister held crisis talks with ministers on Saturday over the unrest, with Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood telling colleagues “the whole justice system is ready to deliver convictions as quickly as possible”.

There was violence on Saturday in towns and cities such as Hull, Liverpool, Stoke-on-Trent, Nottingham, Bristol, Manchester, Blackpool and Belfast which saw several police officers injured and over 90 people arrested.

Riots continued today in Middlesbrough as a group walked through a residential area smashing the windows of houses and cars. One person threw a piece of broken glass through the window of a home. One of the group used a racial slur while shouting which car “are we going to smash next?”

Another replied “because we’re English” when asked by a resident why they were breaking windows. A scuffle broke out between protesters and a small group of people whose cars were smashed.

A woman shouted “you fascist thugs” while a man who was with her shouted at police: “You’re letting them rampage through the city.”

唐宁街否认了有关首相将于本周乘飞机度假的报道。 凯尔·斯塔默爵士将整周在唐宁街 10 号工作,他希望领导对全国各地发生的极右骚乱反击。 包括与保守党党魁候选人罗伯特·詹里克关系密切消息人士在内的批评者建议他应该“取消这个尼禄式的假期”。 这位纽瓦克议员表示,“在英国部分地区正在燃烧的情况下,首相去度假是完全错误的”。 周六,首相就骚乱与部长们举行了危机会谈,司法部长沙巴纳·马哈茂德告诉同事“整个司法系统已准备好尽快做出定罪”。 周六,赫尔、利物浦、特伦特河畔斯托克、诺丁汉、布里斯托尔、曼彻斯特、布莱克浦和贝尔法斯特等城镇发生暴力事件,导致多名警察受伤,90多人被捕。 今天,米德尔斯堡的骚乱仍在继续,一群人穿过住宅区,砸碎了房屋和汽车窗户。一个人向一户人家窗户扔进一块碎玻璃。其中一人在高喊“我们接下来要砸哪辆车?”时使用了种族歧视的语言。 当一名居民问他们为什么打破窗户时,另一个人回答说“因为我们是英国人”。抗议者和一小群汽车被砸坏的人之间爆发了扭打。 一名女子大喊“你们这些法西斯暴徒”,而与她在一起的一名男子则对警察大喊:“你们让他们在这座城市横冲直撞。”

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