
Source: Bangladesh’s interim government will take oath on Thursday, says the military chief | AP News

Bangladesh’s military chief said Wednesday that an interim government headed by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus would be sworn in on Thursday night as he returns from Paris to take over the administration and try to restore stability in the country, after an uprising forced former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to step down and flee to neighboring India.

Gen. Waker-Uz-Zaman said in a televised address late Wednesday afternoon that the responsible for the violence since Hasina’s resignation would be brought to justice.

The military chief, flanked by the chiefs of navy and air force, said that he spoke to Yunus and would receive him at the airport on Thursday.

Zaman said he was hopeful that Yunus would take the situation to a “beautiful democratic” process.

Speaking to reporters in Paris, Yunus said “I’m looking forward to going back home and seeing what’s happening there, and how we can organize ourselves to get out of the trouble that we are in.″

孟加拉国军事首脑周三表示,由诺贝尔奖得主穆罕默德·尤努斯领导的临时政府将于周四晚上宣誓就职,届时他将从巴黎返回,接管政府并尽力恢复该国的稳定,此前的一场起义迫使前总理谢赫·哈西娜下台并逃往邻国印度。 瓦克-乌兹-扎曼将军在周三下午晚些时候的电视讲话中表示,哈西娜辞职后发生的暴力事件的责任人将被绳之以法。 军事首脑在海军和空军司令的陪同下表示,他已与尤努斯进行了交谈,并将于周四在机场迎接他。 扎曼表示,他希望尤努斯能够将局势带入“美好的民主”进程。 尤努斯在巴黎对记者说:“我期待着回到家乡,看看那里正在发生什么,以及我们如何组织起来摆脱目前的麻烦。”

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