
Source: Analyst: Ukraine’s operation in Kursk region shows falsity of Russia’s ‘red lines’ statements

The effect and purpose of the Kursk operation may partly be to once again demonstrate the fallacy of the argument about Russia’s “red lines”.

According to Ukrinform, this was stated by Andreas Umland, an analyst at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Foreign Policy reports.

Umland noted that earlier in Washington, Berlin and the media there were debates about the Kremlin’s possible “red lines”, the violation of which would lead to the outbreak of World War III and nuclear Armageddon. One of these lines was the transfer of the war to Russia with the use of Western weapons.

The analyst believes that this has already happened and that part of the effect and purpose of the Kursk operation may be to once again demonstrate the falsity of the argument about Russia’s “red lines.”

He stressed that the operation in the Kursk region demonstrates Ukraine’s ability to be unexpected and exploit sudden breakthroughs, which Russia has been constantly failing at since the start of the full-scale invasion.

Umland wrote that Kyiv has not only changed the military narrative on the ground, but it may also be attempting to shift the narrative of the negotiations, from a land-for-peace deal to a land-for-land deal.

He also noted that this puts Putin in a difficult position, as losing control of parts of Russia is a huge embarrassment for the Kremlin. At the same time, the Russian-occupied Ukrainian regions that Putin wants to keep are also part of the “state territory” that he is obliged to defend.

The article says that the new Ukrainian strategy may provide an opportunity for doves in the Russian leadership – if they exist and have any influence on Putin – to argue that the annexations should be reversed to restore Russia’s territorial integrity.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,瑞典国际事务研究所分析师安德烈亚斯·乌姆兰在《外交政策》报告中指出,库尔斯克行动的效果和目的可能部分是为了再次证明俄罗斯“红线”论调的谬误。乌姆兰指出,早些时候,华盛顿、柏林和媒体对克里姆林宫可能的“红线”进行了辩论,违反这些“红线”将导致第三次世界大战和核末日的爆发。其中一条红线是使用西方武器将战争转移到俄罗斯。 分析人士认为,这种情况已经发生了,库尔斯克行动的部分效果和目的可能是再次证明俄罗斯“红线”论点的虚假性。 他强调,库尔斯克地区的行动展示了乌克兰出人意料和利用突然突破的能力,而俄罗斯自全面入侵开始以来一直未能做到这一点。 乌姆兰写道,基辅不仅改变了陆地的军事论调,而且还可能试图改变谈判的论调,从土地换和平协议转变为土地换土地协议。 他还指出,这让普京陷入了困境,因为失去对俄罗斯部分地区的控制对克里姆林宫来说是一个巨大的尴尬。同时,普京想要保留的俄罗斯占领的乌克兰地区也是他有义务保卫的“国家领土”的一部分。 文章称,乌克兰的新战略可能为俄罗斯领导层中的鸽派人士提供机会——如果他们存在并对普京有影响的话——应该主张扭转吞并行为,以恢复俄罗斯的领土完整。
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