英语:埃隆·马斯克:我很乐意在 X 节目中采访卡玛拉·哈里斯

Source: Elon Musk: I’d Be ‘Happy to Host’ Kamala Harris on X | Newsmax.com

X owner Elon Musk, after his nearly two-hour-long conversation with former President Donald Trump, extended an invitation to the nominee’s Democrat rival, Kamala Harris, to come onto the platform to speak with him.

After he ended his interview with Trump on Monday, Musk called on Harris to appear for an interview, saying he would be “Happy to host Kamala on an X Spaces, too.”

The interview, conducted on the X app’s “Spaces” feature Monday, spanned several topics, including Trump panning Harris on border policies over the past 3½ years that President Joe Biden has been in office, reported Newsweek.

“She was border czar. Now she’s trying to say she wasn’t really involved. She was totally in charge,” Trump said.

The Trump campaign Tuesday expressed doubts that Harris would appear on X with Musk.

X 所有者埃隆·马斯克在与前总统唐纳德·特朗普进行了近两个小时的交谈后,邀请这位候选人的民主党竞争对手卡马拉·哈里斯上台与他交谈。 周一结束对特朗普的采访后,马斯克邀请哈里斯接受采访,并表示他“也很高兴在 X 空间上接待卡马拉”。 《新闻周刊》报道,周一在 X 应用程序的“空间”进行的采访涵盖了多个主题,包括特朗普在乔·拜登总统执政 3.5 年里对哈里斯的边境政策进行了严厉批评。 特朗普说,“她是边境沙皇。现在她试图说她并没有真正参与其中。她在全权负责。”。特朗普竞选团队周二对哈里斯是否会与马斯克一起出现在 X 节目中表示怀疑。

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