
Source: Russia steals about 500,000 t of Ukrainian grain from Zaporizhzhia region

Since early 2024, Russia has stolen about 500 thousand tonnes of Ukrainian-produced grain from the temporarily occupied areas of the Zaporizhzhia region, and is planning to take away another 200 thousand tonnes.

The relevant statement was made by Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Head Ivan Fedorov on Telegram, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“This year about 500 thousand tonnes of wheat has been taken away from the region, which is one-seventh of Russia’s total grain exports. They are planning to take another 200 thousand tonnes,” Fedorov wrote.

In his words, Russian occupiers illegally transport grain to Crimea and the territory of Russia, and then export millions of tonnes of grain and industrial crops. For the stolen grain alone, the Zaporizhzhia region’s agricultural sector suffered UAH 7 billion in losses in the first year of Russian occupation.

Prior to the full-scale war, a total of 1.8 million hectares of agricultural lands were cultivated in the Zaporizhzhia region. Now, 80% of such lands (1.4 million hectares) are remaining under Russian occupation or in the zone of active hostilities. Here, Russian occupiers gather and steal Ukrainian crops. The enemy also seized grain stocks from the previous years, which used to be kept in silos, grain storage facilities, and the Port of Berdiansk.

A reminder that Russia uses the temporarily occupied Ukrainian ports in Crimea and the Sea of Azov to illegally ship crops from the occupied areas.

《乌克兰通讯社》记者援引扎波罗热地区军事管理局局长伊万·费多罗夫的话报道,自2024年初以来,俄罗斯已从临时占领的扎波罗热地区偷走了约50万吨乌克兰生产的粮食,并计划再拿走20万吨。费多罗夫写道,“今年该地区约50万吨小麦被运走,占俄罗斯粮食出口总量的七分之一。他们计划再运走 20 万吨,”。 用他的话说,俄罗斯占领者非法将粮食运输到克里米亚和俄罗斯境内,然后出口数百万吨粮食和经济作物。仅就被盗的粮食而言,扎波罗热地区的农业部门在俄罗斯占领的第一年就遭受了 70 亿格里夫纳的损失。 全面战争之前,扎波罗热地区总共耕种了180万公顷农田。现在,80% 的此类土地(140 万公顷)仍处于俄罗斯占领之下或处于活跃敌对行动区。俄罗斯占领者在这里聚集并窃取乌克兰农作物。敌人还夺取了往年储存在筒仓、粮食储存设施和别尔江斯克港的粮食库存。 提醒人们,俄罗斯利用暂时占领的乌克兰克里米亚和亚速海港口从被占领地区非法运输农作物。

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