
Source: Ukraine’s star fencer Kharlan auctions off Olympic saber raising UAH 10M for Army

Two-time Olympic fencing champion Olha Kharlan raised UAH 10 million for the Armed Forces of Ukraine by raffling off a saber she used to deliver a win at the Paris 2024 Games.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation announced this on Instagram.

“Thank you, Olha, for such a valuable artifact. This saber has already brought one victory and its price will soon bring victories on the battlefield,” the foundation noted.

All funds from the sale will be directed to the purchase of Shablia unmanned turrets for infantry.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Olha Kharlan made history as Ukraine’s most decorated Olympic athlete, sealing gold as part of the saber fencing team at the Paris 2024 Games.

For the 33-year-old athlete, the team gold was the second medal won in Paris, after a bronze in individual competitions.

两届奥运会击剑冠军奥尔哈·卡兰将一把她在 2024 年巴黎奥运会上获胜时​​使用的剑作为抽奖,为乌克兰武装部队筹集了 1000 万乌克兰格里夫纳。乌克兰新闻报早些时候报道,谢尔希·普里图拉慈善基金会在 Instagram 上宣布了这一消息。 该基金会表示,“谢谢你,奥尔哈,为我们献上这么一件珍贵的神器。这把剑已经带来了一场胜利,它的价值很快就会在战场上带来胜利。”出售的所有资金将直接用于购买“Shablia”步兵无人炮塔。 《乌克兰新闻报》早些时候报道,奥尔哈·卡兰创造了历史,成为乌克兰获得荣誉最多的奥运会运动员,并在 2024 年巴黎奥运会上作为佩剑队的一员夺得金牌。 对于这位 33 岁的运动员来说,团体金牌是继个人比赛铜牌后在巴黎获得的第二枚奖牌。
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