
Source: PM about one year of maritime corridor operation: More than 2,300 vessels entered Black Sea ports

Since the launch of the Black Sea maritime corridor a year ago, 2,300 vessels have entered the Black Sea ports of Ukraine. The volume of cargo turnover exceeded 64 million tonnes.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said this at a government meeting on Thursday, Ukrinform reports.

“Food security is one of the 10 points of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Peace Formula. In June, in Switzerland, the International Peace Summit participants unanimously supported Ukraine’s position on food security. This also applies to the protection of ports and free and safe navigation in the Black Sea,” he said.

The Prime Minister recalled that from the first day of its invasion, Russia had been doing everything to block Ukrainian Black Sea ports. This is how the enemy put pressure on Ukraine’s economy and its allies, creating threats to global food security, Shmyhal said.

According to Shmyhal, one of the biggest victories for Ukraine last year was the launch of the Ukrainian maritime corridor.

The Prime Minister unveiled the results of the maritime corridor’s operation.

“More than 2,300 vessels have entered Ukraine’s Black Sea ports over one year. The cargo turnover amounted to more than 64 million tonnes. Almost 44 million tonnes of grain were exported from Ukraine,” he said.

According to him, all of this had a positive impact on various sectors of the country’s economy and the economy as a whole.

At the same time, he stressed that Ukrainian exporters increased physical sales of their goods by 35% in the first half of 2024, “we have reached pre-war export levels.”

The Prime Minister stressed that this result was made possible by three things. The first is the successful actions of the Security and Defence Forces of Ukraine in the Black Sea. The second is an initiative to ensure war risks for merchant ships, which the state is undertaking together with international insurance companies. The third is the restoration of Ukraine’s port infrastructure and investments in its development.

As reported, since the beginning of 2024/2025 marketing year, as of August 7, Ukraine exported 4.356 million tonnes of grains and legumes, which is 2 million tonnes more than in the same period of the previous marketing year.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,乌克兰总理丹尼斯·什米哈尔在周四的政府会议上表示自一年前黑海海上走廊启动以来,已有2300艘船只进入乌克兰黑海港口。货物周转量突破6400万吨。他说,“粮食安全是泽连斯基总统和平方案的十点之一。 6月,在瑞士举行的国际和平峰会与会者一致支持乌克兰在粮食安全问题上的立场。这也适用于保护港口以及黑海的自由安全航行。” 总理回顾说,从入侵的第一天起,俄罗斯就一直在竭尽全力封锁乌克兰黑海港口。敌人就是这样向乌克兰经济及其盟友施加压力,从而对全球粮食安全构成威胁。 什米哈尔表示,乌克兰去年最大的胜利之一是乌克兰海上走廊的启动。 总理公布了海上走廊的运营成果。 他说,“一年多来,已有 2,300 多艘船只进入乌克兰黑海港口。货物周转量超过6400万吨。乌克兰出口了近 4400 万吨谷物。”他表示,所有这些都对国家经济各部门和整体经济产生了积极影响。 同时他强调,乌克兰出口商在2024年上半年将其商品的实物销量增加了35%,“我们已经达到了战前的出口水平。” 总理强调,这一结果是由三件事促成的。首先是乌克兰安全和国防部队在黑海的成功行动。二是国家与国际保险公司共同开展的商船战争险保障举措。三是恢复乌克兰港口基础设施及其发展投资。 据报道,自2024/2025销售年度开始以来,截至8月7日,乌克兰出口了435.6万吨谷物和豆类,比上一销售年度同期增加了200万吨。
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