

Ukrainian defense developments add strength to Ukraine and destroy Russia’s potential.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in a post on Telegram, sharing a relevant video.

“At sea: Neptune, Sea Baby, MAGURA V5. On land: Bohdana, Stugna, Corsar. In the air: Bober, Morok, Liutyi. These are our Ukrainian developments, that clear the Black Sea, add strength to our country and destroy Russia’s potential,” the head of the Ukrainian state wrote.

As reported, Romania, following the example of other European countries, plans to develop weapons in cooperation with Ukraine, in particular, focusing on R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles.



乌克兰国家元首写道,“海上:海王星导弹、海宝贝无人艇、玛古拉 V5多用途无人艇。陆地:博赫达纳火炮、斯图格纳反坦克导弹、科萨尔反坦克导弹。空中:海狸无人机、莫罗克无人机、柳蒂无人机。这些都是我们乌克兰开发武器。它们扫清了黑海,增强了我们国家的实力,摧毁了俄罗斯的潜力。”

据报道,罗马尼亚效仿其他欧洲国家,计划与乌克兰合作开发武器,特别是 R-360 海王星反舰导弹。

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