
Source: Musk ‘Willing’ to Join Trump Cabinet | Newsmax.com

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he’d be open to joining Donald Trump’s cabinet if the GOP nominee wins the presidential election in November.

Trump was asked in a Reuters interview Monday about having Musk in his cabinet or as an adviser.

“I certainly would, if he would do it, I certainly would. He’s a brilliant guy,” Trump said.

Within hours, Musk responded on X, saying, “I am willing to serve.”

Musk included an AI-generated photo of himself at a podium with the name “Department of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.),” a likely reference to the Dogecoin meme cryptocurrency that Musk has long supported.

After the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump, Musk backed him for president, and last week held a livestreamed interview with him on X. During that Aug. 12 livestream, Musk proposed the idea of a “government efficiency commission” and said he would be “happy to help out” on it. Trump replied, “I’d love it.”

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克表示,如果共和党候选人赢得 11 月份的总统选举,他愿意加入唐纳德·特朗普内阁。 特朗普周一在接受路透社采访时被问及有关让马斯克进入内阁或担任顾问的问题。 特朗普说,“我当然会,如果他愿意这样做,我当然会。他是一个聪明的人。”几小时内,马斯克在 X 上回复称:“我愿意服务。” 马斯克放了一张人工智能生成自己在讲台上的照片,照片上的名字是“政府效率部(D.O.G.E.)”,这可能是指马斯克长期以来支持的狗狗币加密货币。 7 月 13 日特朗普遇刺后,马斯克支持他竞选总统,并于上周在 X 上对他进行了直播采访。在 8 月 12 日的直播中,马斯克提出了成立“政府效率委员会”的想法,并表示他将“很乐意帮忙”。特朗普回答说:“我喜欢这个想法。”

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