
Source: Czechia to buy several hundred thousand rounds of ammunition for Ukraine using frozen Russian assets

The Czech Republic has acquired another important source of funds, which it will use to finance the supply of much-needed large-caliber ammunition for Ukraine — profits from the assets of the Russian Central Bank frozen in the EU countries.

That is according to the Czech Defense Ministry, Ukrinform reports.

“Thanks to the use of revenues from frozen Russian finances, released by the European Union, we will be able to supply Ukraine with several hundred thousand pieces of large-caliber ammunition,” Czech Defense Minister Jana Cernochova said.

According to the ministry, EU member states decided in May 2024 that the proceeds from frozen Russian assets will be used precisely for immediate military support for Ukraine. The total amount of these funds is EUR 1.4 billion, and the Czech Defense Ministry will be able to use part of them. This is a unique opportunity to quickly and effectively support Ukraine with funds that originally belonged to Russia.

In early 2024, the Czech Republic offered the initiative to search in third countries and supply ammunition to Ukraine using EU money. Almost 20 countries joined the initiative. The first batches of ammunition arrived in Ukraine in June.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引捷克国防部报道,捷克共和国获得了另一个重要资金来源,将用于为乌克兰急需的大口径弹药供应提供资金——俄罗斯央行在欧盟国家冻结资产的利润。 捷克国防部长亚娜·切尔诺霍娃表示:“借助欧盟释放的俄罗斯冻结财政收入,我们将能够向乌克兰供应数十万枚大口径弹药。” 据该部称,欧盟成员国于 2024 年 5 月决定,冻结俄罗斯资产的收益将专门用于对乌克兰的直接军事援助。这些资金总额为14亿欧元,捷克国防部将可以使用其中的一部分。这是一个利用原本属于俄罗斯的资金快速有效支持乌克兰的独特机会。2024年初,捷克提出利用欧盟资金在第三国寻找并向乌克兰供应弹药的倡议。近20个国家加入了该倡议。第一批弹药于六月抵达乌克兰。

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