
Source: Bayesian yacht: Mike Lynch’s body retrieved from water in Sicily, daughter missing

The body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch was retrieved on Thursday from the wreck of his family yacht that sank this week off the coast of Sicily during a violent storm, a senior Italian official said.

Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter Hannah is still unaccounted for, interior ministry official Massimo Mariani told Reuters after being briefed by the emergency services.

The British-flagged Bayesian, a 56-metre-long super yacht carrying 22 passengers and crew, was anchored off the port of Porticello, near Palermo, when it disappeared beneath the waves in minutes after bad weather struck early Monday.

Lynch, 59, was one of the UK’s best-known tech entrepreneurs and had invited friends to join him on the yacht to celebrate his acquittal in June in a UK fraud trial.

Seven people are believed to have died in the disaster while 15 survived, including Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who is the owner of the Bayesian.

Italian officials confirmed they had retrieved on Wednesday the bodies of Jonathan Bloomer, a non-executive chair of Morgan Stanley International, and Christopher Morvillo of the law firm Clifford Chance, alongside their wives, Judy Bloomer and Neda Morvillo.

一位意大利高级官员表示,英国科技巨头迈克·林奇的尸体于周四从他的家庭游艇残骸中打捞出来,这艘游艇本周在西西里岛海岸的一场猛烈风暴中沉没。 内政部官员马西莫·马里亚尼在听取紧急服务部门的通报后告诉路透社,林奇 18 岁的女儿汉娜仍然下落不明。 这艘悬挂英国国旗的贝叶斯号超级游艇长 56 米,载有 22 名乘客和船员,停泊在巴勒莫附近的波蒂塞洛港,周一凌晨遭遇恶劣天气后几分钟后就被海浪吞没。 59 岁的林奇是英国最著名的科技企业家之一,他邀请朋友和他一起登上游艇,庆祝 6 月份在英国的一次欺诈审判中被无罪释放。 据信,这场灾难已造成 7 人死亡,15 人幸存,其中包括林奇的妻子安吉拉·巴卡雷斯,她是贝叶斯酒店的老板。 意大利官员证实,他们于周三找到了摩根士丹利国际非执行主席乔纳森·布卢默和高伟绅律师事务所克里斯托弗·莫维洛以及他们的妻子朱迪·布卢默和内达·莫维洛的尸体。

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