
Source: Stefanchuk signs law banning Russian church in Ukraine

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk signed a law banning the activities of Russia-linked religious organizations in Ukraine and sent the document to President Volodymyr Zelensky for signature.

That’s according to the parliament’s website, Ukrinform reports.

In the section “Dates and status of passage,” it is noted that the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada signed bill No.8371 on August 23. The legislative act has been sent for signature to the head of the Ukrainian state.

As reported by Ukrinform, on August 20, the Verkhovna Rada approved the Law “On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organizations”, which bans the activities of religious organizations associated with Russia in Ukraine. Legislative initiative No. 8371 was adopted by 265 votes of MPs.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引议会网站报道,乌克兰最高拉达主席鲁斯兰·斯特凡丘克签署一项禁止与俄罗斯有联系的宗教组织在乌克兰活动的法律,并将该文件送交总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基签署。在“通过日期和状况”部分中,可以看到最高拉达主席于8月23日签署了第8371号法案。该立法法案已送交乌克兰国家元首签署。 据乌克兰通讯社报道,8月20日,乌克兰最高拉达批准了《保护宗教组织活动领域宪法秩序》法,禁止与俄罗斯有联系的宗教组织在乌克兰开展活动。第 8371 号立法动议以 265 票议员投票获得通过。

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